Not in stock:
A lot of items are not held in stock, but can be ordered through the proprietor. You need to discuss this with the store owner. (Discuss with one of the mods)

Item types that can be found here:

Cursed/Haunted artifacts :
Antiques, furniture, jewelry, dolls, clothes, books and diaries

Animal parts :
some blessed, some hexed. Venom, blood, feathers, skin, scales, hair.

Dark Arts books on :
Spells Jinxes, and Hexes.

Currently in stock:

Destiny Gem
- Ornate stones shown in many different beautiful colors that can grant one instance of luck a day to the owner at the time it's most needed. The stones seem to have minds of their own using their luck for the person whenever they see fit. Once used, it will fizzle out and turn a dark gray color and recharge once the next day starts. It is advised to only wear one on your person and to only use three per day lest you be stricken with a terrible fate. ( OOCly you can use this to re-roll any roll you feel like. This does not mean you automatically get a better roll or that you get to decide what the roll should end up as, you simply, literally, get to re-roll one time. This can only be used once for every IC day per stone, max 3 times. Your character will have to be TOUCHING the stone and you can not touch more than one stone at a time. If used more your character will be cursed with 24 hours bad luck.)

The Anguished Man painting
Anguished Man Painting
- Sold by a man by the last name of Robinson. The paint was mixed with the artist's blood. Shortly after it was finished, he committed suicide. It is said that his ghost is bound to the painting, and to hang it up on the walls of your home invites him in to stay.

Haunted Wine Box
- An antique wine box haunted by a Dybbuk

The Hands Resist Him painting
The Hands Resist Him Painting
- Haunted painting, it is said that it causes hands to reach out of the wall for you.

Conjuring Chest
Conjuring Chest
- Passed through multiple families, causes extreme misfortune, it is said that it collects and claims the souls of deceased family members.

Conjuring Chest
- A haunted ragdoll, said to be haunted by the ghost of a young girl who died violently. The doll moves around on its own and creates a lot of mischief and spews negative energy. It is actually possessed by an unknown demon.

Cursed Blarney Stone from the Blarney Castle in Ireland
- Brings sickness and misfortune to those who possess it.